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Welcome to Bright Beginnings

Home: Welcome

About Bright Beginnings

Who are we?

Kathryn and Sophie have worked together for the last 5 years.Kathryn owning Limes Play and Learn and Little Lambs Preschool with Sophie firmly by her side! 
Little Lambs established 14 years ago expanding in September 2021. 
Over the last 18 months they have grown Little Lambs with a wonderful team of 15 to what it is today!
With huge passion and drive for Early Years, they couldn't be prouder to be given this opportunity to grow as a partnership and move forward together to create Bright Beginnings.  
With the support of North Thoresby School, they aim to bring quality affordable Early Years to local families.
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Home: Our Mission

Our Ethos

Learning through play

Learning through play

We firmly believe that children learn best when they have the opportunity to learn through their own play carefully supported by a dedicated team


Imagine the backpack of life! When each and every child arrives at Bright Beginnings,  their backpacks differ with how full they are. Some will have already experienced many exciting things in life, some not so much! It is our job to FILL those backpacks with fun experiences and memories to cherish!  A job we love and have huge passion for !


Healthy Lifestyles

At Bright Beginnings we believe healthy children are happy children! We LOVE to play outdoors and promote physical activity.


Snack time is a rainbow of colour - with a wide selection of fruit, vegetables and carbohydrates. Encouraging children to smell, touch, taste favourite foods and explore new ones! 


Water and milk is always available to our children.

Home: Programs

Contact Us

North Thorseby Primary School 

Direct Line 01472 840387

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